Go to releases page and choose the right choice to your platform:
curl -LO
tar -xzvf todonotion-linux-386.tar.gz
chmod +x todonotion
sudo ln -s todonotion /usr/local/bin
Or, you can use the default
script (for linux users) that does the installation with one line:
curl | bash
You can type todonotion -h
and you will see the help message:
A quick way to generate cards that needs to be done without leaving the terminal.
Full documentation here:
todonotion [flags]
todonotion [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
del Delete one card from the Task board
help Help about any command
ls List all cards for a given Lane on the Task board, accepts filter aggregation
mv Moves one card between the Task board lanes
mvp Moves all cards between the Task board lanes
new Create a card on the Task board
-h, --help help for todonotion
Use "todonotion [command] --help" for more information about a command.
yay! it works!